Entrepreneurship Is War – A Motivational Video For Entrepreneurs

The idea behind the video.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 6 years. Throughout the process, my experiences have been no less than insane. Entrepreneurship, is a war like endeavor. Of course not as treacherous as actual war (a life event I also had the pleasure of enduring), but a war like dynamic nonetheless.

And this video, breaks you down a bit, and explains how hard things are, a bit of my ideology around how the insanity of the cost of virtually everything we do in America, and then picks you back up at the end, where we make the point that climbing those mountains and enduring all of that pain, makes you the bad ass entrepreneur you need to be to make it happen.

I’m going to be doing a lot more videos like this in the future, because I think they serve an important purpose in motivating other entrepreneurs to kill it in life. I rely on videos like this to get my engine revving when it’s time to suit up.

A few of my recent favorites are Mike Vacanti’s “Motivation,” and “Time,” videos done by a knowledgable coach/trainer, who also happens to coach Gary Vaynerchuk, of VaynerMedia, a pretty well known digital marketing agency. The dude is awesome, and the vids rock.

Hope you like the video!

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