What we offer

A breakdown of our nutritional supplement formulation consulting services

Nootropic, probiotic, energy, and pre-workout and nutritional supplement formulation consulting

With 15 years of experience in the supplement industry, formulating highly complex and targeted supplement protocols for our clients, as well as our company, there is no better equipped organization to be able to advise you on the ingredients, quantity, and synergy of your next supplement. We specialize in nootropic, probiotic, energy, and pre-workout supplements, but have extensive knowledge and resources to develop other targeted nutraceutical products.

Ruthless, Nuanced Research

Researching the internet to find a good supplement formulation will always lead you to a dead end. That is because dose recommendations are sporadic, expertise is limited, and real time experience is severely lacking among bloggers, creators, and even scientific studies. Cortex Labs will help you, with meticulous research in the right areas, and our in-house expertise and experience, develop a cutting edge supplement, that’s dosed correctly, and importantly, is actually effective at doing what you’re marketing it to do. 

Results delivered quickly

Though we want to be thorough, we also want to be quick. Nearly 2 decades of expertise allows us to be decisive in our directives on ingredient type, breakdown, dose quantity, and synergy of your next hit supplement. The entire process from start to finish takes no longer than 3 weeks.

Business operating strategy

Supplements are generally profitable, but can be MORE profitable, with the right strategy. We will help you get the right prices, with the right product manufacturing facilities in our network, to get you the best possible profit margins on your supplement. If your organization has a manufacturer and a strategy, that’s ok too. We’ll give our two cents if necessary. 

Premium Efficacy on your product

The truth is, 90+ % of supplements on the market, whether nootropics, probiotics, energy, or pre-workouts, are dosed incorrectly. This is because there is little to no pharmacology and mechanisms skill behind the founders of the supplement. Cortex Labs, and our founder Ryan, has made it a profession to formulate cutting edge, highly effective, targeted protocols for our clients, and our products. The bottom line is: we will formulate a supplement for you that actually works, and works well.


Pricing depends on a variety of factors. Our typical process of helping establish and put into motion a highly effective, targeted nutritional supplement that’s engineered to succeed, is between $10,000-$50,000, depending on the scale of the work that needs to be done, your market, your company, and hosts of other factors. Get in touch with us below, by emailing our head supplement formulation officer, Ryan, and let’s get the process started.

Get the process started on your nutritional, nootropic, or otherwise supplement / nutraceutical formulation. Please email...

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