Triacetyluridine – Nootropic effects, mechanisms, and experiences

There’s no question about it, Triacetyluridine is one of the most powerful nootropic compounds there is. 

And the weird part about it is, it’s relatively undiscussed in the nootropics sphere. I don’t see it talked about often enough on the nootropics subreddit, or other popular nootropics platforms. But it should be.

Here are a couple impactful facts right off the bat, about the nootropic “Triacetyluridine.”

  1. It’s a slightly more potent version of Uridine monophosphate.
  2. Triacetyluridine works on sensitizing dopamine receptors (adding motivation to the mix), improving neurite outgrowth (axon and dendritic growth between neurons), increasing Acetylcholine concentrations (through partially converting to CDP Choline), and up-regulating (in synergy with DHA, a choline source, and B vitamins) neurogenesis.
  3. The effects of Triacetyluridine, for most nootropic users is: a pronounced mental energy, mental fluidity, verbal fluency, motivation, and working memory.
  4. Dose range: 25-100MG. Some folks may require a bit more, but most find the compound works profoundly well in that dose range. My sweet spot is 25-50MG.
  5. It stacks well with most known choline sources, Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Piracetam, Noopept, B vitamins, and ALCAR.

And it is quite the powerful compound. It’s on the generally recognized as safe list in America, and is not categorized as a scheduled drug. It’s easily purchasable, readily available, quite nicely absorbable, and highly effective even as a standalone nootropic compound.

In the video, we discuss my experiences with Triacetyluridine, what you can expect from the compound, and more.

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