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PhenylPiracetam Review – My Experience With This Smart Drug

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Phenylpiracetam reviewPhenylpiracetam, said to be a stronger version of the popular and well studied smart drug Piracetam, is a “phenylated analog” of Piracetam, that may have anxiolytic features, and an ability to enhance memory function. It’s also believed to be anti-amnesiac and anti-convulsant.

I waited quite some time to try PhenylP, as we’ll refer to it as in the rest of this post. I had tried Aniracetam, Piracetam, and Pramiracetam before, loving both Ani and Pira, but not really liking Prama.

I use Aniracetam if I want to solve a complex puzzle that has many pieces. It’s wonderful for brainstorming business ideas, and looking at multiple components of a problem from a 5,000 foot perspective.

Piracetam for me has always put me into a place where I just want to read and comprehend information. It also seems to improve my verbal fluency to a noticeable degree.

But PhenylP, to me, seems to be some other thing entirely. It almost feels like a “happy nootropic,” that makes everything in life more interesting, and improves most noticeable facets of my brain, from baseline, and from a deficit. Let me explain:

Phenylpiracetam helped my brain in a sleep deficit

The most recent time I tried PhenylP, something very interesting happened. I was suffering from a bad night’s sleep, and I had to get up to tend to one of my companies. If my sleep is interrupted a lot through the night, basic memory and verbal fluency functions take a hard hit. While I can still operate, and get things done, it’s far harder, word and information recall is impaired, and it is difficult to be my normal happy motivated self.

I dosed 70MG of PhenylP and within about 30 minutes, though I was still tired, I felt all of my normal brain functioning returning. I didn’t have that foggy cloud over my head that I would normally just have to deal with throughout the day, unless I took a quick 20 minute nap. The fog was gone, my verbal fluency returned, and my overall thought formation improved. Hey! This is something.

It is thought that PhenylP also facilitates “operant behavior,” which essentially means that your capacity to behave in a manner consistent with avoiding or moving toward specific consequences, tends to be enhanced. It’s as if your brain understands a bit more, under the influence of PhenylP, that doing X thing may result in X outcome, and your behavior is partially driven by that.

For me specifically, I actually saw things in my day and life from a super positive lens. It was like: “if I do this, I can get this outcome. If I make this happen, that’ll trigger THIS positive outcome.” This was very cool to me, as positive reward influencing my behavior is the most preferable way to operate. Though I’m effective when engaging in things to avoid negative situations, (because bad outcomes are a huge motivator), I’d much prefer looking at awesome outcomes, and having that be the driving force behind my behavior.

The Anxiolytic effect 

Almost 100% of the time, I don’t have social anxiety. I had a TON when I came back from fighting in the Iraq war in 2008, but I’ve worked on it over the years and realized that as I became more confident as a business person, and in terms of how I operated in the world, my social anxiety just tended to fade away. I spend a lot of time comparing myself to other people, and realize that the US military taught me how to be a pretty disciplined individual, whereas a good bit of the civilian populous just seems to be all over the place. Being an entrepreneur, and starting 3 successful companies over the years, really sealed the deal for me.

But – I’m hyper sensitive to other people’s social anxiety. I try to compensate for it when I’m around someone that’s obviously having anxiety issues, by being comforting, playful, and friendly with them. But – there are those times that for various reasons, sleep deprivation being one of them, I’m a bit less socially adept.

And in one such situation, where I was just behind the ball a bit on my social interaction adequacy, Phenylpiracetam helped take me back to baseline; my normal socially adept self. I can identify when, in whatever area of brain function, I’m deficient, and my experience on this day with PhenylP is that once it kicked in and starting doing its work, I became a lot more relaxed and confident, like my normal self. PhenylP has a stimulating effect on me, mildly, but a noticeable anxiolytic effect as well. I really enjoyed that!

PM productivity

PM productivity has a special place in my heart, being an entrepreneur that’s insanely ambitious, and currently running 2 companies. When I get home from running company 1, I eat dinner, meditate a bit, and get back to work on focusing on company 2. My capacity to focus and exert energy through the night, until near midnight, is definitely influenced by PhenylP. On numerous occasions, I’ve used it to get that extra bit of night time productivity, where without it I’d be ok, but not as optimal as I wanted to be.

Historically, I’ve typically used the Cortex Nootropic stack, Aniracetam, Ginkgo Biloba, or L-Tyrosine to get that extra PM productivity out of myself. Now, I realize Phenylpiracetam is a great addition to those options.

Overall thoughts on Phenylpiracetam, and how I’d use it

My overall review on PhenlyP is that it’s a great smart drug for specific situations. For me, if I run into a sleep debt for some reason, PhenylP will be one of my go to’s for getting my normal brain function restored. It doesn’t make me “less tired,” like caffeine might do, but rather, while my tiredness stays in place, my brain function is restored to normal levels.

The anti-anxiety effect is quite pronounced, for me at least. It allowed me to have greater control of my brain in social situations, and in situations in general. I was able to examine my life with a lot more relaxation, whereas typically my capacity to worry about virtually everything seems endless. This is a huge plus for me!

I would use PhenylP again definitely, for sleep debt situations, and to get a nice second wind of mental energy later in the day. I’ll use it to restore cognitive function when I end up in a deficit somehow, to exert an anxiolytic effect if I’m not my usual self, and to have the advantage in my late night work engagement. In all cases, I did not take PhenylP with a choline source. I have the suspicion that my brain has a surplus or acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that the racetams tend to put into motion and thus potentially deplete. I got no strange headaches. No side effects whatsoever. But then again! I’m usually topped off from taking Cortex Gen 1, which has Uridine Monophosphate and CDP Choline in it.

Quick notes: I snagged a 1 gram packet from Powder City (no affiliation) for pretty cheap. Prices may have changed, but likely not astronomically. And I still have a considerable amount left. At 60-75MG per dose (my sweet spot), I have about 6 servings left and have already thrown down 6-8 servings over the last few months.

Weigh your Phenylpiracetam on a milligram scale if you can. That’s the only way you can really ensure granularity in understanding what dose works for you.

I capsuled this myself with a capsule maker at home.

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