Ep 33: Using ALCAR as a nootropic base in functional stacks

On this episode, we’ll discuss using ALCAR as a primary functional component of a nootropic stack, and some powerful accompanying nutrients that combine to form highly effective nootropic stacks.

We’ll discuss the logic of the BASE of a stack, which breaks down thus:

  1. The base is the primary functional component of a stack. It is the most influential component, and is usually taken in the most MG quantities (compared to the other ingredients).
  2. The secondary part of any good nootropic stack is the supporting Co-factor. That may be a choline source with a racetam, or something else that facilitates the functioning of the base.
  3. The third part of a nootropic stack is one or many synergizing complimentary nootropics. Low dose L-Tyrosine, as we use in one of the examples in this podcast, is a good synergizing addition to an ALCAR BASE type of nootropic stack.
  4. The fourth part of a stack is a balancer. This is merely a synergizing nootropic compound that works to balance out any imperfections in the rest of the stack. Theanine, the calming amino acid, is a good example of a balancer when taken with stimulatory BASE nootropic compounds. The L-Theanine balances out the excessive stimulation of other compounds, and famously, caffeine.

In this podcast, we’ll discuss the following stacks:


  1. 500MG ALCAR (base)
  2. 300MG Oxiracetam (synergizing complimentary nootropic)
  3. 150MG Alpha GPC (supporting co-factor for the Racetam)


  1. 300-500MG ALCAR (base)
  2. 100MG Uridine monophosphate (synergizing complimentary nootropic)
  3. 75MG CDP Choline (supporting co-factor with Uridine + synergizing complimentary nootropic)


  1. 300-500MG ALCAR (Base)
  2. 100-200MG L-Tyrosine (synergizing complimentary nootropic)
  3. 300MG Choline Bitartrate
  4. 400MCG Iodine (supporting co-factors for Tyrosine)
  5. 400MCG Selenium (supporting co-factors for Tyrosine)
The study we mentioned that discusses decreased glucose utilization while taking CHRONIC ALCAR: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22549035

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