Aniracetam: Dosages, Effects, Details, And More


Aniracetam is a smart drug compound that works primarily through positively modulating glutamate and acetylcholine receptors in the brain. I’ve used Aniracetam many hundreds of times in my days, and it’s a pretty epic racetam to take. It exerts a myriad of effects on my brain, which I’ll list below, along with some of the other notable topics of this video:

  1. Aniracetam helps my working memory. When I need to hold 20 + things in my brain throughout the day, and not forget any of them, Aniracetam helps me quite well.
  2. Aniracetam is a great reading nootropic/smart drug. It’ll allow you to retain the information that you read in a previous page, to increase the probability of synthesis comprehension.
  3. Aniracetam is stimulatory for me. It makes me want to get right to work.
  4. Aniracetam makes me want to focus on a bunch of things at once. I almost feel like because the drug gives me the ability to retain more data in my working memory, I want to exercise that ability, which yields me engaging in a bunch of different things at once. It’s useful to be in this state when you’ve got a bunch of quick, less cerebral intensive tasks to crank out.
  5. Aniracetam gives me a creativity effect sometimes, which allows me to put disparate ideas and concepts together, that I wouldn’t otherwise think to put together.
  6. Taking Aniracetam with a choline source is generally recommended, due to the fact that it releases more acetylcholine in certain regions of the brain (hippocampus).
  7. Your choline source doesn’t necessarily have to be a blood brain barrier crossing nootropic like CDP Choline or Alpha GPC. Choline bitartrate or citrate will work just fine. The body will still yield the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from the B vitamin Choline in the bitartrate and citrate analogs.
  8. Aniracetam does not raise liver enzymes, which indicates that it is non toxic to the body, and safe to take.
  9. Aniracetam is neuro-protective against memory deficit inducing compounds.
  10. We did a post on Aniracetam and smart drugs, and their long term safety here. 
  11. We also did a podcast on the long term safety of nootropics, wherein we talked a lot about Aniracetam.
  12. The Cortex nootropic stack has had some great feedback out there in the nootropics world, to include better performance from US Army recruiters as a result of increased verbal recall and communication ability.

Enjoy the video!

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