Using Phenylpiracetam and Caffeine as a nighttime productivity HACK

And I know what you’re thinking. Caffeine at nighttime? YES. READ!!

Ok – so right off the bat, I want to say that I’m low dosing both of these compounds. I’m taking them at nighttime to achieve a good solid functional brain state, to engage business related things between 7PM-12AM.

Predominately, that’s me working on my laptop, editing videos, recording and uploading podcasts, and even doing blog posts like this one.

Taking nootropics at night time certainly is and can be beneficial. After all, after the main bulk of the day, you’re normally pretty spent if you’re not managing/hacking your energy (as in the case of power naps, cardio, dietary hacks, etc).

So – people rely on nootropics to establish a functional state of certain neurotransmitters (like acetylcholine, dopamine, epinephrine, glutamate and norepinephrine). Largely, optimizing acetylcholine at night time can take someone who’s gas tank is nearly empty, to someone who now has a usable capacity to get 5 more hours of work done. That’s why nootropics are so useful for fast trackers and productive people.

But, as we point out in the video below about this, optimizing one’s baseline is paramount to making nighttime nootropic strategies work REALLY WELL. I mean: the kind of brain performance I can achieve at night time, with this strategy we’re about to lay out, and the general strategy of optimizing baseline and THEN stacking nootropics on top of that, should be illegal. I’m a total beast.

My nighttime phenylpiracetam/caffeine productivity hack

Ok! So here’s the stack. It’s super simple, but keeps my brain humming along from 7PM-Midnight, quite awesomely. I’ll get to validating the Caffeine intake at NIGHT TIME in a bit.

  1. 75MG Phenylpiracetam
  2. 100MG Caffeine
  3. I dose this at 7PM, typically after a 2 mile run, and 16 ounces of water.
  4. Optional choline source if YOU require choline sources with racetams (read Smarter Better Faster for full breakdown on the Racetam/Choline condition).

This simple stack turns on my brain epically. I can focus for long periods of time, but most importantly, it establishes a renewal of mental energy and capacity, that was otherwise depleted based on taxing my neurotransmitters throughout the day.


I THOUGHT YOU’D NEVER ASK. Well, the thing is, for some folks, me included, 100MG of Caffeine at between 7-8PM actually allows them to fall asleep better, when it’s time to hit the sack.

Perhaps this is because of some sort of reverse action on adenosine receptors, because of the time of day? Perhaps an overstimulation of the adrenal glands, and thus, an ensuing tiredness that you actually want?

Frankly – if folks have any insight into the mechanism, comment below and let us all know, or email me at ryan @ livecortex dot com.

But suffice it to say, this caffeine dose is quite good, and doesn’t negatively affect me at all. I fall asleep soundly, quickly, and man, I STAY ASLEEP. ENJOY THE VIDEO

Ryan —

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