Ep 42: Nootropics and intelligence enhancements

Ah. The long debated nootropics and intelligence argument. Well – let’s get into it.

First, I’d like to make my position clear:

  1. I see nootropics as absolutely capable of helping to induce improvements through intelligence. But..
  2. Not directly. You can’t take a nootropic compound, and then suddenly, the things that underly intelligence (like learning particular things/skills/abilities/being fluidly intelligent), are improved. How the hell would that happen? Magically?
  3. But nootropics DO quantifiably increase the release, functionality, and operation of the neurochemicals, IN relevant regions of the brain, to learn information. This isn’t a debate. This is reality. 

And the typical arguments against nootropics improving intelligence, completely (conveniently) omit the entire 2nd step of this three step process of: ingestion of nootropics (1st step), engaging in learning (2nd step), and then intelligence being increased in areas where person learned (3rd step).

The argument against nootropics and intelligence is a very… almost labrador level argument, assuming that nootropics improving intelligence works like this:

  1. Person takes nootropics acutely…
  2. Intelligence is improved. OR
  3. Person takes nootropics for 2 years
  4. Intelligence is improved.

Which is crazy. How could merely taking a nootropic compound improve base levels of intelligence? It couldn’t. But what DOES improve intelligence is the perpetual engagement in learning, something made a lot easier by taking certain nootropic compounds, and thus modulating neurotransmitters and receptor sites.

We’ll break this down in finer detail in the podcast below. Thanks for listening!!

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